Documentation of Production Project 2 & 3
This is assignment for VSFX-752, Winter 2016.
Use RenderMan, Mental Ray in Autodesk Maya 2016.
1. Select object.
I choose leather conditioner with simple constructure and texture as my aim object. So that I can easily model it and analysis its material.
2. Take photos.
Use the Light Intergration Kits with a wooden cube(for matching camera), a grey sphere(for getting diffuse information), and a chrome sphere(for getting fill diffuse).
To emphasize the object and make the image more fun, I bring several shoes as background. Control the light to be simple(blue sunlight crossed from window at left, and a soft yellow light from table lamp at right). Before working in Maya, put the photos into Nuke, increast its contrase, and do a simple color correct.

The original photo
object with cube
Match to Live Action
object with gray sphere
object with chrome sphere
Move the object to the position where the fake one is, as a reference for better lighting created.
3.Matching camera in Maya
Creat a camera, inport cube photo as a image plane, than adjust the camera.

4.Modeling the object
Becareful the size and ratio of the bottle.Rounded edges with bevel.
5.Editing Texture
- Creat a spot light.
- Creat a plane to get the shadow.
- Rotate, move the light to match the shadow.
7.Matching the light position.

Modeling a simple geomitry to get the shadow on the shoes.
8. Creat render layers for compositing.

Ambient layer
(No light, No diffuse, ambient color map).
Fill Layer
(No light, turn on mental ray, Final gather, accuracy 4000).
Diffuse layer(with light, no texture, diffuse on, specular off).
Two different specular layer(no diffuse no texture).
Shadow layer
(plane and shoes visible, shadow preset render).
Occlusion layer
(Mental ray occlusion preset).
9. Open Nuke for compositing, editing, and color correct.
Harlan Qiu

Import fill layer first.
Merge (screen) with diffuse layer.
Merge (multiply) with ambient layer.
Merge (screen) with specular layer 1.
Merge (screen) with specular layer 2.
Merge (colorcorrect with mask) with occlusion 1 .
Add blur and noise.
Add shadow using colorcorrect with mask.
10. Animation
My idea for this animation is to make my bottle humanlike. Rotate, jump, hit the camera. So both the bottle and the camera need to be key animated. Using graphic editor to make the jump more reliable.